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A non-profit association for Nordic ski & snowshoe enthusiasts in Park County, Wyoming.

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  • April 08, 2023 7:24 PM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

     A hardy crew removed the Bridge across Middle Fork Creek This morning. It's sort of heartbreaking to have to plow up trail and pull the bridge, especially with all the great snow still at Pahaska. More so, it means the end of another season. But what a great one it was! This year, we had groomed trails by November 8th, the earliest ever!

    There will be some great crust cruising as long as we continue to have freezing temps at night. Go early and get the best conditions while the snow is firm.

    Thanks to all our members and all who enjoyed our trails this season.

    See you next year!

    The Groomers

  • March 30, 2023 8:47 AM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    HI all,

    Winter does not appear to be abating, but nevertheless the grooming crew has been busy removing all the signage and trail markers for the season, as well as putting away grooming equipment. We have done some incidental grooming on Moose Flats and around Crow Creek loop as we were hauling equipment back to the barn, so there is some nice skating on those trails.

    The big job has been plowing the trail down to the Bridge on Middle Creek that we have to remove every spring. We plow the snow so we can get down to the bridge with a skid loader to begin disassembling and so the bridge will begin melting out.  This means that the trail will be mostly impassable for skiers. There's some terrific crust cruising on the South trails and east of SG, but  we recommend accessing it from Sleeping Giant.

    We are planning a Volunteer work day April 8 to do a little prep work before runoff begins. April 15 or thereabouts is when we are planning to remove the bridge for the season. We always need a few volunteers who are willing to shovel and comfortable being around moving heavy equipment and large moving bridge pieces.

    Contact Andy at 307-899-3900 for details and to lend a hand.

    Thanks for a great season!

  • March 17, 2023 6:58 PM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!  The trails are looking dapper with a fresh coat of corduroy and classic track. The storm mid-week brought around 5" of snow but also 50 degree temps and rain, so the trails were FIRM... Not to worry though, we were able to spruce them up nicely.

    Ultimately it took the cat, with down pressure and a few preliminary laps with the snowmbile to get track set, but it should be solid.

    All trails (except for the dog trails) were groomed. This is the last time we plan to groom SG east for the season. There's still plenty of snow but a nice crust is forming up, which will allow us to ski anywhere we want!

    Next week will be the last weekend of grooming, but the skiing should be good for a while.

    Note- Pahaska will begin construction of a new dyke along the river on April 1. This is just north of the tepee flats, before moose flats. They will be clearing all the snow away to begin work. You'll still be able to get out to Msse Flate and the barn by going up onto Race Park and accessing from above.

    enjoy this weekend!

  • March 12, 2023 10:03 AM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    Grooming commenced on Friday, March 10, with a full groom done on all trails. By the time we had cleaned up and put away gear, it was time to groom again! 4.5" of snow fell in just a few hours, followed by some heavy rain, making grooming necessary again the following day.

    We re-groomed Early Saturday AM and it is safe to say that the trails are fantastic!

    Trails groomed with the Husky snowcat: Moose Flats, Crow Creek, Barn Road, Race Park, Haul Road, Outlaw, SG East and Becker Trail

    Trails groomed by snowmobile: Middle fork, Penny,s,  West end of the Haul road, the highway and Dog Trails East of the river. 

    Weather looks to get warm Sunday- Tuesday, so expect some fast conditions with glazed tracks and good skating. Wednesday will bring another storm but stay fairly warm, so we may have some more rain before or after snow.

    We plan to groom next Friday for another great weekend of skiing. Just FYI,  some bears are starting to emerge from hibernation. Web haven't seen any activity yet, but it pays to be vigilant. Also, Sunscreen and extra water are necessary with longer, sunnier days!

    See you on the trails!

  • March 05, 2023 8:41 AM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    2-3" of fresh snow since Thursday's Grooming report. I groomed Saturday evening in hopes that conditions will stay good through Sunday, although heavy snow started about halfway through grooming, with an inch or two expected through the night and Sunday.

    Trails Groomed by snow cat: Moose Flats, Crow Creek, Barn Road, Lower Race Park, (no Jackson Hill), Middle Fork, The highway, Haul road to Sleeping Giant, Becker Trail.

    Trails not groomed: Outlaw, Penny's, SG East, Dog Trails.

    Trails are firm considering all the new snow we've had, if the new snow is light, it should be great skiing the rest of the weekend.

    We plan to continue grooming through the Month of March. At this time it looks like weather and temps will make for excellent spring skiing.

    Enjoy, the Groomers

  • March 03, 2023 9:39 AM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    around 3" of new snow since we last groomed makes for a nice refresh of trails that are finally firming up from the large storms that hit us week-before last.  A strong breeze persists, so tracks in open areas may have already filled in, but they are there!

    Trails groomed by snow cat: Highway, Becker's, Penny's and Outlaw

    Trails groomed by snowmobile: Moose Flats,  Barn Road, Crow Creek Loop, Race Park, Middle fork, Haul Road,and SG East.

    Dog Trails: Today was the first time they had been worked since the big storms, which meant lots of shoveling and getting stuck. They have been rolled and leveled, but no track is set on them yet. They re good skiing if you don't mind not having tracks .

    More snow is in the forecast For Friday- Sunday. Some main routes might be touched up on Saturday if the need arises.  Snow looks prevalent through next week, as do cool temps, so winter is far from over!

    The Groomers

  • February 23, 2023 8:35 PM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    We have around 20" of fresh snow from the last storm. Unfortunately some of it came down sideways! There are some impressive drifts out there. The high winds that created the drifts also blew down some trees, one of which is just at the end of the corral, across the trail. It's been moved, but there remains some debris on the trails, so use caution.

    All Trails North of Pahaska and the Middle Fork Trail were groomed today. This includes the following trails: Moose Flats, Crow Creek, Barn Road, Race Park and Middle fork.

    Grooming will resume tomorrow on all south trails and the Highway. we hope to do more grooming and less shoveling tomorrow.

    Happy Trails,

    The Groomers

  • February 19, 2023 6:30 PM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    two inches of fresh snow overnight. All trails North of Pahaska were groomed, as well as the Highway to the East Gate and Middle Fork.

    3-7" of new snow is expected tonight, followed by back-to-back storms of  5-8", so grooming might wait until the weather lets up a bit.  There is a High wind warming and winter storm watch currently in effect, so conditions will be variable.  If you like to ski in powder, you'll enjoy the next few days.  

  • February 17, 2023 8:35 AM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    Wrapping up a fantastic week of ski racing last weekend, the trails were in good shape until mid-week. The storm that hit Cody only deposited around 2" of snow at Pahaska.

    Groomers took advantage of a sunny day and reset all trails.

    Trails groomed by Snow Cat: Moose Flats. Crow Creek, Barn Road, all of Race Park, Middle Fork, Outlaw, Penny's and the haul Road to Sleeping Giant.

    Trails groomed by snowmobile: Becker, SG East trails, the highway to East Gate and the dog trail.

    The forecast looks like we will be getting a substantial amount of snow starting Saturday and continuing through Mid-next week. 12-16" are possible! 

    we will try to re-groom the trails as needed throughout the 3-day weekend.

    Happy Skiing!

    The Groomers

  • February 06, 2023 10:21 AM | Andy Quick (Administrator)

    Things are back to normal after another fantastic Taste of Trails event. The weather provided some fresh snow to make the event feel very festive.

    Groomers hit all the Trails North of Pahaska, as well as the road with snowmobile grooming on Wednesday, Feb 1. They've held up well so they were left for the weekend.

    All grooming on Friday took place South of the river, as well as the Highway and the Dog trails.  Everything is in great shape!

    Edit: Moonlight skiers have reported 3+ inches of fresh snow Sunday Evening, so we should have nice snow to work for the weekend!

    Next Friday and Saturday , (2/10-11), the PCNSA trails will be hosting The High School and Middle school xc ski races. All racing will take place on the trails North of Pahaska, The highway and Middlefork. Trails to the south should be open to citizen skiers, but be advise that access and parking may be restricted before and during each race.

    Happy Trails!

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