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A non-profit association for Nordic ski & snowshoe enthusiasts in Park County, Wyoming.

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Trail Cleanup and Bridge install this Saturday , October 15th at 10:00am

October 15, 2022 10:00 AM | Thomas & Tiffin Etter

Calling all volunteers !!!!

It is time again for our annual trail cleanup and bridge install this Saturday October 15th, at 10:00 am. Let's meet at the warming hut at Pahaska.  We had significant flood damage to the trails this spring/summer and need many volunteers to help get the trails ski ready. 

Thank You !!

Specifically we need help with the following:

1-Clean/ prep warming hut: It has been left in good condition this year so not much effort needed. 2 ppl

2- harvest, cut, split and stack firewood- 4- 6 ppl

3-re-route Pahaska's sandbag dike so we can get by. - we’ve done some already but this will take more work. 6-8 ppl if possible

4-Lots of new debris to remove from trail sections- 8-10 ppl

5- install decking on bridge- 6 ppl

6- lop/limb trees and cut willows- 6 ppl

7- help get ski racks/ signage, etc… from barn- 3-5 ppl

As you can see, we have plenty to do. 

Volunteers should show up with gloves, sturdy boots, bear spray, water and lunch

If possible, they should bring one or a few of the following items:



Spud bar


Limb saw

Bow saw

Chain saw/ gas and oil

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